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    Mudando a forma como a rede e a segurança trabalham juntas.

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Líder em SSE. Agora é líder em SASE de fornecedor único.

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Sua Rede do Amanhã

Planeje seu caminho rumo a uma rede mais rápida, segura e resiliente projetada para os aplicativos e usuários aos quais você oferece suporte.

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Netskope Cloud Exchange

O Cloud Exchange (CE) da Netskope oferece aos clientes ferramentas de integração poderosas para tirar proveito dos investimentos em estratégias de segurança.

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Vista aérea de uma cidade
  • Security Service Edge divisa

    Proteger-se contra ameaças avançadas e com nuvens e salvaguardar os dados em todos os vetores.

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    Confidentemente, proporcionar acesso seguro e de alto desempenho a cada usuário remoto, dispositivo, site, e nuvem.

  • Secure Access Service Edge divisa

    O Netskope One SASE oferece uma solução SASE nativa da nuvem, totalmente convergente e de fornecedor único.

A plataforma do futuro é a Netskope

Security Service Edge (SSE), Cloud Access Security Broker (CASB), Cloud Firewall, Next Generation Secure Web Gateway (SWG), and Private Access for ZTNA built natively into a single solution to help every business on its journey to Secure Access Service Edge (SASE) architecture.

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Vídeo da Netskope
Next Gen SASE Branch é híbrida — conectada, segura e automatizada

Netskope Next Gen SASE Branch converge o Context-Aware SASE Fabric, Zero-Trust Hybrid Security e SkopeAI-Powered Cloud Orchestrator em uma oferta de nuvem unificada, inaugurando uma experiência de filial totalmente modernizada para empresas sem fronteiras.

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Pessoas no escritório de espaço aberto
SASE Architecture For Dummies (Arquitetura SASE para leigos)

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Livro eletrônico SASE Architecture For Dummies (Arquitetura SASE para leigos)
Mude para serviços de segurança na nuvem líderes de mercado com latência mínima e alta confiabilidade.

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Rodovia iluminada através de ziguezagues na encosta da montanha
Permita com segurança o uso de aplicativos generativos de IA com controle de acesso a aplicativos, treinamento de usuários em tempo real e a melhor proteção de dados da categoria.

Saiba como protegemos o uso de IA generativa
Ative com segurança o ChatGPT e a IA generativa
Soluções de zero trust para a implementação de SSE e SASE

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Passeio de barco em mar aberto
Netskope obtém alta autorização do FedRAMP

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Netskope GovCloud
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Neste episódio de Security Visionaries, temos a companhia de Kiersten Todt, presidente da Wondros e ex-chefe de gabinete da Agência de Segurança Cibernética e de Infraestrutura (CISA), para discutir as previsões para 2025 e além.

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SASE Week 2024 On-Demand

Aprenda a navegar pelos últimos avanços em SASE e confiança zero e explore como essas estruturas estão se adaptando para enfrentar os desafios de segurança cibernética e infraestrutura

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SASE Week 2024
O que é SASE?

Saiba mais sobre a futura convergência de ferramentas de redes e segurança no modelo predominante e atual de negócios na nuvem.

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Apoiando a sustentabilidade por meio da segurança de dados

A Netskope tem o orgulho de participar da Visão 2045: uma iniciativa destinada a aumentar a conscientização sobre o papel da indústria privada na sustentabilidade.

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Apoiando a sustentabilidade por meio da segurança de dados
Ajude a moldar o futuro da segurança na nuvem

Na Netskope, os fundadores e líderes trabalham lado a lado com seus colegas, até mesmo os especialistas mais renomados deixam seus egos na porta, e as melhores ideias vencem.

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Why Peering Relationships are Key to Providing a Phenomenal User Experience

Feb 12 2024

One of the many benefits of running your own private cloud infrastructure are the performance improvements when you’re in control of your own connectivity, shortening the path and reducing latency for both users connecting to your private cloud and first mile connectivity to applications and services. The alternative, and one used by those utilizing public cloud infrastructure to host their SASE services, is akin to taking a multi hop flight but not knowing or having any control of the various hub airports you may transit through. No one wants to fly from London to New York via Amsterdam, Dallas and Chicago! 

To give our customers that private jet experience, we continue to enhance our extensive peering relationships. The Netskope NewEdge network is now one of the most connected networks in the world and in line with some of the world’s largest public cloud providers, top internet destinations and content delivery networks (CDNs). 

Going back to that transport analogy, reducing the number of networks that traffic has to pass through is akin to flying the quickest and shortest route via a private jet, even if you have to stop briefly at an intermediate airport. In network speak, this translates to dramatic reduction in latency, thereby radically improving the user and application experience. Which option will be both quicker and less likely to face delays and cancellations? The multi hop convoluted hub routing, or the more direct private jet? 

Today NewEdge has more than 3,200 network adjacencies to over 650 unique ASNs, a year-over-year network adjacencies increase of over 60%—reducing the reliance on transit providers, increasing reliability, and giving a greater level of control. Think of the number of direct peers being akin to “more direct flights” to your destination, avoiding layovers or missed connections that slow down travel, or in the networking world add a ton of latency crippling the user experience.

Public internet exchanges are an important component in facilitating the growing number of network adjacencies, allowing NewEdge to reach both popular apps and content as well as the long tail of the internet, increasing both performance and resilience. Ultimately, connectivity to more internet exchange points (IXPs) translates into better coverage and more paths to achieve the best performance and availability. NewEdge is connected to most major IXPs around the world, facilitating optimized interconnectivity and now participates in more than 100 internet exchanges, and is recognized as one of the top 15 most connected networks.

We know that access to critical services offered by Google, Microsoft and leading public clouds are paramount and to that end, we are the only vendor to interconnect with Microsoft and Google in every region it is possible to do so. Figures from internal testing show the average latency from NewEdge data centers to these top destinations is single-digit millisecond. By utilizing the NewEdge network for all transit to these top providers, many customers have decommissioned private links and benefit from the cost saving in doing so. 

Finally, there are always occasions where your private jet is unable to land close to your final destination, and in these cases, a fast final transfer is needed to reach that remote log cabin in the forest. This is where transit providers provide an invaluable service, routing traffic to the long tail of ISP’s. But just as that “last-mile” transfer could be a bus that takes an hour, rather than a 20 minute limo ride, some transit providers are better than others and offer faster paths to the user. Being able to optimize transit providers and control which routes traffic takes, both from users to Netskope and Netskope to apps is the final piece of this jigsaw puzzle.

Everyone wants the experience of a private jet, but not all SASE platforms provide a network that replicates this experience. With Netskope you can get the experience that your people demand, without any of the trade-offs.

More information on the Netskope NewEdge network and private cloud can be found here.

author image
Richard Davis
Richard Davis is Director, Solution Strategy at Netskope. Davis is a seasoned cybersecurity professional with over 20 years’ experience.
Richard Davis is Director, Solution Strategy at Netskope. Davis is a seasoned cybersecurity professional with over 20 years’ experience.

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