What is SASE?
Learn about the future convergence of networking and security tools in today’s cloud dominant business model.
What is Security Service Edge?
Explore the security side of SASE, the future of network and protection in the cloud.
What is a Next Gen Secure Web Gateway (NG SWG)?
How do you know where, when, and how your data is used? Next Gen Secure Web Gateways have the answer.
What is a Cloud Access Security Broker (CASB)?
Enforce security policies and protect your data between your cloud-provider and your users through the use of a CASB.
What is Data Loss Prevention (DLP)?
Discover the steps, practices, and tools available to protect data and keep it within the bounds of an organization.
What is ZTNA?
Learn how ZTNA surpasses VPNs, tackling security risks from cloud, hybrid, and remote work.
What is SD-WAN?
Discover a technology that allows for the management, and optimization of WAN through software, rather than hardware-based network devices.
What is Generative AI?
Learn how our company can help you enable Generative AI securely and responsibly for innovation and growth.
What is Digital Experience Monitoring?
DEM tracks, analyzes, and optimizes user experiences across networks, applications, and devices.
What is Remote Browser Isolation (RBI)?
RBI separates users from the act of internet browsing by hosting activity in a cloud-based container.
What is a Cyber Security Kill Chain?
Be prepared. Dive into the mindsets, motivations, and plans of attack for hackers and digital thieves.
What is SSPM?
Monitor, manage, and mitigate risky configurations in the cloud with SaaS Security Posture Management.
What is CSPM?
Assess, maintain visibility, and fine-tune your cloud IaaS configurations with Cloud Security Posture Management.
What is Zero Trust Security?
Establish better access controls over your assets, data, and network through “trust but verify” policies.
What is Zero Trust Data Protection (ZTDP)?
Keep your data under lock and key. Verify and grant access to those who have permission.
What is FedRAMP?
Discover the significance of FedRAMP and how it supports government agencies modernize and ensure safe cloud adoption.
MPLS WANs impede architectures rather than enable digital transformation which has fueled strong interest in SD-WAN solutions.
What is Microsegmentation?
Microsegmentation defines the act of logically or physically dividing a large network into smaller security segments.
What is a Proxy Server?
A proxy server serves as a go-between for a user's device and the internet, managing web content requests for the user.