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Netskope Threat Labs découvre les techniques furtives d'un nouveau ver XWorm

Sep 30 2024


XWorm is a relatively new versatile tool that was discovered in 2022. It enables attackers to carry out a variety of functions, which include accessing sensitive information, gaining remote access, and deploying additional malware. The multifaceted nature of XWorm is appealing to threat actors, as evidenced by its alleged use earlier this year by threat actors such as NullBulge and TA558.

Through Netskope Threat Labs hunting efforts, we uncovered XWorm’s latest version in the wild. In this blog post, we will breakdown the following:

  • The infection chain leading to the execution of XWorm.
  • Evasive execution of XWorm’s DLL loader through reflective code loading. 
  • The injection of XWorm into a legitimate process.
  • XWorm’s new features, which include removal of plugins and a network command that reports XWorm’s response time, along with other noteworthy commands.
  • Attacker notification after infection using Telegram.

XWorm execution flow

The following is the summary of XWorm’s execution flow:

XWorm execution flow
  1. Infection chain starts with WSF downloading and executing a PowerShell script hosted on
  2. The PowerShell script performs the following actions:
    A. Creates three scripts namely VsLabs.vbs, VsEnhance.bat, and VsLabsData.ps1.
    B. Creates a scheduled task.
    C. Sends a Telegram notification to the attacker.
  3. Scheduled task executes the VBScript named VsLabs.vbs.
  4. VBScript executes a batch file named VsEnhance.bat.
  5. Batch file executes a PowerShell script named VsLabsData.ps1.
  6. The PowerShell script loads a malicious DLL through reflective code loading.
  7. The malicious DLL injects XWorm on a legitimate process and executes it.

XWorm dropper delivered via Windows Script File (WSF)

The infection chain starts with a Windows Script File (WSF), likely delivered through phishing. The WSF file starts with several paragraphs about the Social Security Administration through a series of commented lines. However it ends with a VBScript that downloads and executes a PowerShell script using Wscript.Shell. To avoid static detection, the command to download the PowerShell script is hex encoded and requires string concatenation.

VBScript found inside the WSF file
Using Cyberchef to decode VBScript

PowerShell script analysis

The VBScript downloads a PowerShell script stored on, a legitimate Pastebin website. Using legitimate websites to store malicious code helps attackers fly under the defender’s radar. To avoid detection over the wire, the PowerShell script performs multiple string obfuscation, including escape characters and string concatenation. The PowerShell script creates a folder named “Visuals” on the path: “C:\ProgramData\Music\Visuals”. Afterwards, it generates PowerShell, batch and VBScripts (VsLabsData.ps1, VsEnhance.bat, and VsLabs.vbs) and stores it in the folder created.

The VBScript named VsLabs.vbs starts the execution chain by running a batch file named VsEnhance.bat using WScript.Shell. And the VsEnhance.bat executes the PowerShell script named VsLabsData.ps1.



VsLabsData.ps1 performs the following actions:

  1. Define two payloads as hex strings using variable $cake for XWorm (XClient3.exe) and $oven for the DLL loader (NewPE2).
  2. Create a scheduled task named ‘MicroSoftVisualsUpdater’. 
  3. Send a notification to the attacker via Telegram.
  4. Execute the DLL loader that injects XWorm into a legitimate process.

Let’s take a closer look at how the PowerShell script accomplishes these steps.


Persistence of XWorm is achieved through a scheduled task named MicrosoftVisualUpdater. This task is triggered a minute after it is created, and will then continue to trigger every 15 minutes. It is set to execute the VBscript VsEnhance.bat.

Scheduled task as persistence by XWorm

Telegram notification

Once the PowerShell script VsLabsData.ps1 completes its routine, it will send a Telegram message to the attacker. The message contains the public IP address of the victim with an attribution to “XYZCRYPTER” as the attacker.

Routine to send Telegram message

NewPE2 executed through code loading, injecting XWorm into a legitimate process

Unlike previously reported XWorm instances where the payload was downloaded, the analyzed file stores the actual payloads inside the PowerShell script using the variables $cake and $oven. To avoid static detection, the XWorm and NewPE2 are defined as hex strings and are separated with an underscore. Once underscores are replaced the loader is executed using reflective code loading.

XWorm as variable $cake on VsLabsData.ps1
NewPE2 loader as variable $oven on VsLabsData.ps1

Reflective code loading starts by loading the bytes in memory using the Load method of the Assembly class. It then retrieves the Type object for the ‘PE’ class and the ‘Execute’ method within the ‘NewPE’ namespace from the loaded assembly.

The “Execute” method from the loader is used to inject XWorm into a legitimate process (C:\Windows\Microsoft.Net\Framework\v4.0.30319\RegSvcs.exe). We can observe this behavior upon detonation. When RegSvcs runs through the “Execute” method of the loader, we can see the XWorm injected into the memory space of the legitimate process.

Once the injection is complete and XWorm is running through the legitimate process, the PowerShell loader terminates, leaving only the legitimate process with a file that is digitally signed by Microsoft.

Execution chain of XWorm and it’s loader
XWorm binary injected on RegSvcs.exe

XWorm Analysis

XWorm is a .NET compiled binary named XClient3.exe. The binary is already detected by DetectItEasy and by multiple AV vendors in Virustotal, which might be the reason it was not written to disk in the first place.

DIE detecting XWorm

The application starts by decrypting XWorm configuration, including C2 domain and port, command delimiter, AES Key, and the XWorm version. From the settings included, we can confirm that this XWorm is version 5.6.

Decrypting XWorm configuration

These configurations are in base64 format and AES ECB encrypted. To decrypt these settings, it uses the MD5 value of the string “rZ2W67345HrmrYRB” as the key. We need to append the MD5 hash to its original value at the 15th index.

Routine to decrypt XWorm configuration
Using Cyberchef to decode AES encrypted configuration

XWorm confirguration

Hostziadonfire[.]work[.]gd (
Key (AES encryption key)
SPL (delimiter)
Groub (version)XWorm V5.6

C2 connection through socket

XWorm initiates network connection with the C2 server through socket. The socket constructor shows that it would connect to the C2 using an IP address through TCP. The IP address from the C2 domain is used. It is also set to handle sending and receiving data through socket around 50KB. To maintain connection, XWorm pings the C2 server every 10-15 seconds, and monitors for a pong response every millisecond.

Routine to connect to XWorm server through socket
C2 traffic by XWorm


After initially connecting, it will collect and send the victim’s device information to the attacker. This provides the attacker with initial information prior to performing malicious actions. Information collected includes hostname, username, drivers, CPU and GPU details, if the user is an administrator, if antivirus is installed, and an executable named “USB.exe”. Information is bound with the delimiter string and the XWorm version.

Routine to collect target information

New commands on v5.6

A few commands are found on version 5.6 compared to previous reported versions. One of which is the ability to remove stored plugins. XWorm is capable of loading and saving plugins that can carry on multiple custom functions. The command “RemovePlugins” gives XWorm the ability to clean plugin information stored in the registry in case they wanted to clean artifacts. The attacker will be notified once plugins are removed.

Routine for removing plugins

Meanwhile, the “Pong” command appears to be a network tool for attackers which reports back XWorm’s response time. The “Interval” variable is the number of milliseconds XWorm receives a Pong response from the C2’s “Ping” function.

Pong command routine

Hosts file modification

Another noteworthy command of XWorm is its ability to read and modify the victim’s hosts file. This provides a means for the attacker to perform DNS related attacks. The hosts file in Windows is a plain text file used to map hostnames to IP addresses manually. It overrides DNS resolution provided by the network. The “Hosts” command allows XWorm to send a copy of the hosts file to the attacker. While the “Shosts” command allows the attacker to send his own hosts file and overwrite the victim’s. Once overwritten, it will send a message to the attacker confirming its success.

Routine to collect and modify hosts file

Launch DDoS attack

Another command of XWorm is to launch a denial of service (DoS) attack to a target. When the victim receives a “StartDDos” command, it would initially abort any ongoing denial of service activity, then it would generate a new thread that sends a POST request using socket every 2.5 seconds. The attacker will provide the target’s IP address, port number, and the duration of the attack.

Routine to launch DDoS attack

Screenshot capture

Another function of XWorm is to collect a screenshot of the victim’s screen. It first retrieves the dimensions of the primary screen and passes it to create a bitmap. It then captures screen content using CopyFromScreen which is stored in memory using MemoryStream in a JPEG format and is sent to the attacker using socket.

Message format:



Victim data


Base64 and compressed image

Routine to collect screen capture

A list of all commands found inside XWorm is listed below:

pongSends “pong” along with the ping interval value
recRestarts the application
CLOSECloses the application
uninstallDeletes the executable file dropped on multiple file path
updateRestarts the application with new process info
DWAccept PowerShell command, write the command in a file inside temp folder and execute it
FMExecutes a compressed and base64’ed command
LNDownloads a file and executes it
UrlopenSends a GET request to a URL sent from C2
UrlhideSends a GET request to a URL sent from C2 but is hidden from the victim
PCShutdownShutdown victim’s machine
PCRestartRestart the victim’s machine
PCLogoffLogs off the victim from the machine
RunShellRuns a background process
DDosSend a message “DDos” to the C2
StartDDosInitially stops any DDoS activity. Afterwards, sends a POST request using a socket every 2.5 seconds using a random user agent per request.
StopDDosStops any DDoS activity from the application
StartReportReceives a list of process names from C2. It reports back which processes are running.
StopReportAborts sending report
XchatSends the following data to C2:

Processor count
Device name

Message format:
“Xchat data”
HostsRead and send the content of hosts file.

Message format:

(Xchat data)
Hosts file path

Hosts file content
ShostsModifies and saves a file (which is probably the hosts file), and then sends a message to confirm the change was successful.
pluginCollects plugin from C2
savePluginSaves plugin information in registry
RemovePluginsDelete plugin information in registry
OfflineGetThis sends an error message saying “Offlinekeylogger not enabled”
$capCaptures a screenshot and sends it to the attacker


XWorm is a multifaceted tool that can provide a wide range of functions to the attacker. In this blog post, we broke down how an attacker can deliver and stealthily execute XWorm, along with its functionalities and methods. The execution chain, XWorm configuration, and IOCs can help defenders identify XWorm within their environment and hunt for potential updates. Netskope Threat Labs will continue monitoring XWorm and other malware performing similar techniques.

Netskope Detection

  • Netskope Threat Protection
    • Gen:Variant.Jalapeno.683
  • Netskope Advanced Threat Protection offre une protection proactive contre cette menace.
    • ByteCode-MSIL.Backdoor.XWorm


All the IOCs related to this campaign can be found in our GitHub repository.

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Jan Michael Alcantara
Jan Michael Alcantara is an experienced incident responder with a background on forensics, threat hunting, and incident analysis.

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